
Photo of DJ Grick


Multiple content channels in one block

I am working hard to finish up our front facing website but still don't like my homepage. Ultimately what I am brainstorming is how to create a block where we can see the 5 or 7 big things we want to advertise all from different places. Events, sermons, stories, and news and articles all compiled down to one place. The thing that is jamming me up is deciding how to create this where each the different types of content all direct to different places.

-Events links: take you directly to the events page (not a blog style post).
-Sermons: take you to a page with lava format specific for sermons.
-Stories: Testimony videos with it's own lava format.
-News and Articles: with it's own lava format.

Has anyone had any luck doing this or have any suggestions? How are other churches handling this?

  • Photo of David Leigh


    I am looking at doing a similar thing, but haven't got around to it yet.
    The approach I was thinking of is something like this:

    1. Add a "Detail URL" Attribute to the Content Channel representing the URL of the Detail page for the content from that channel.
    2. Modify the lava to construct the link for each list item using the Detail URL specified for the content channel.

    I haven't made any effort to implement this yet though, and there's a chance it may require some changes to the block code to get it working - just a suggestion!


    • DJ Grick

      Great suggestion. As of now I just am using one content channel and then added more audiences. I then used filters to get the right content on each list. I then started tweaking the lava with if statements to render correctly for the different types of content.

      After reading your thoughts I had the idea of adding an attribute for event ID. Then write an if statement to direct to the event page if present and content channel item if not...

    • David Leigh

      Yes, that could work too! Please post your results here if you can, I'm sure it will be a benefit to myself and others.

  • Photo of Brian Kalwat


    I took a look at this, and tried to go about it using the entity command in Lava. This solution would work, but the OR operator isn't available to use within a where clause yet.

    That said, I think you could accomplish this now using a data view. Probably not the most ideal method, but from my initial test it seems to work. That might look something like this:

    You could then use the entity command in Lava to output the data from the data view. Hope this is helpful!
