0 CSS & LESS & Files - OH MY! 2 Herb Parsons posted 1 Year Ago I apologize ahead of time for this totally noob question, but here goes.I'm not new to .CSS, but I AM pretty rusty. I know virtually nothing about .LESS, and very little (so far) about Rock.I can use tools to modify the CSS files to get the look I want, but as little as I know about .LESS, I'm pretty sure that the first time I compile my theme, I'm going to overwrite them all. At the same time, I find "the variable hunt" in .LESS to be totally confusing. With that in mind, I have a couple questions.I copied the STARK theme over to create my own (Pursuit). What is the "best practice" method of changing the styles? I see lots of "overrides" files, am I safe in assuming that's where I really want to make my over-riding changes?Can anyone recommend a good tutorial on Bootstrap and Less (I think understanding the concepts would go a long way in figuring this out).