
Photo of Ben Goshow


Streamline opportunity signup process

I'm starting with the list of Opportunities as shown on the demo site at

However, instead of clicking for more details, and then clicking again to sign up, I wonder if it's possible to embed the signup form directly on the Opps list view?

Here's a screenshot of the design mockup:

Screen Shot 2016-12-26 at 5.47.21 PM.png

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Yes it is.  if you only have 1 option then it will be easier. How many options to serve will you have?  If it is for another function instead of serving, what is it?  do you have an a temp site setup now?

  • Photo of Ben Goshow


    Thanks Michael! There are multiple serving opportunities (all from the same Opportunity Type) listed on a single page. I'll DM you the staging site.