
Photo of Jim Michael


Contribution frequencies

Can the devs describe how the online giving frequencies are being implemented (logic-wise)?

The specific reason I'm asking is that our current ChMS has some oddities with its "twice a month" and similar settings where end users expect an option for, say, the 1st and 15th of every month, but instead the option ends up looking out 15 days from the initial gift, which quickly starting "hitting" on whacky days because not all months have 30 days ;-)

So I'm just asking if Rock does things differently and has better logic than our current setup?

  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff


    Hi Jim,

    When the giving docs are released, related information will definitely be in there.

    However, the frequencies themselves are really dictated by the payment gateway.  Using your example (I presume Payflow Pro), twice monthly is dependant upon the date of the first donation.  I'm not sure how to make the logic "better" without reducing the flexibilty of the resulting product.  Do you mind outlining what you suggest?

    • David Stevens

      Agreed, frequency is dependent on the payment gateway. CyberSource defines twice monthly as the 1st and 15th, and will automatically convert your selected start date to the next occurring instance (of one of those).

    • Jim Michael

      Thanks guys... I didn't realize the frequencies were dictated by the gateway, but it does make sense now that you say it. I guess my beef is with PayflowPro, then ;-) It sounds like CyberSource has implemented it in the rational way.

    • Jeremy Hoff

      I suppose any gateway option could be configured to /force/ 1st and 15th giving dates for the twice-monthly frequency. In the case of Payflow, it would mean configuring the logic inside of the RockRMS modules. I suspect tis will need to be a third-party modification on the donation block . . . .