
Photo of DJ Grick


Badges as numbers

On the features page of it looks like Ted Decker's church has some sort of 4 step assimilaton process which he has not started. There are grayed out 1,2,3 and 4. How could I add numbers as badges. Since we have a 4 part growth track process.  I can't seem to get it with font Awesome. 

I am also curious about his multi colored group looking badge he has. 

  • Jon Edmiston

    The screenshot was from the Photoshop mock-up days of Rock. How do you plan on storing your steps. Maybe I can help you get to where you need to be.

  • Photo of Jeremy Turgeon


    Hi DJ,

    These are most likely custom Liquid badges.  They aren't currently in the latest 1.0.8 build but you can create badges like these in Admin Tools - General Settings - Person Profile Badges.  Hopefully these new badges will be added in a future update!