
Photo of Jeremy Turgeon


Inactive Groups

When using the mapping tool is there a way to hide old groups?  I've created a few small groups and can't seem to remove them from the map by making them inactive or changing their security settings.

  • DJ Grick

    Does old me "no longer in existence?" because if that's the case you can just delete them...

  • Photo of Jeremy Turgeon


    Deleting a group isn't really what I'm looking for.  Maybe for small groups that'd work but for other groups like mission trips or serving teams we want to keep track of those even after they're no longer active.

    • Jeremy Hoff

      What's more, some groups are inactive for merely a period, such as taking a session or series off and then resume later in the year.

      And as Jeremy T so excellently alludes, groups are useful all over the place.

    • Jon Edmiston

      Seems like an oversight on my part. I'll add a "Include Inactive" block setting (default false) to the block. Will be in next update.