
Photo of Jon Horton


Where can you use the {{ Person.UrlEncodedKey }} variable?

I'm interested in using the {{ Person.UrlEncodedKey }} variable within an email initiated from a workflow. Is this possible? If not, is there another variable that's available?


  • Photo of Chris McGrath


    This is a late answer but I ran across the same issue and wanted to share the solution. 

    The Photo Request page has a page route defined as follows: PhotoRequest/Upload/{rckipid}

    In order to use UrlEncodedKey to auto-login, create a new page with the page route you want, ie. YourPage/{rckipid}

    If you're doing this for a workflow user entry form, add the Workflow Entry block to the page, and configure it with the workflow in question.

    Alternately, if you don't want to create a new page, you can instead use the ImpersonationParameter property, which is basically the same as the UrlEncodedKey but adds rckipid= to the front of it. You can use this parameter after a ? in the workflow entry URL to auto-login.

    • Jon Horton

      @Chris This was exactly what I was looking for, and it worked perfectly. Thanks for the response 16 months later! :)

  • Photo of Arran France


    Emails from a workflow has access to the person merge field. This is documented here under 'Additional Merge Fields.

    • Jon Horton

      For clarity, we don't want to access the variable of the current person. We have an additional person lookup attribute in the workflow. We use this attribute to send an email to the person. Is it possible to access the UrlEncodedKey from a person attribute other than the current person?

  • Photo of Jon Edmiston


    This is a good question and one that makes a good recipe as it's a little tricky. Assuming you're workflow has an attribute of type 'Person' with the key of 'SelectedPerson' you can use:

    {% assign recipient = Workflow | Attribute:'SelectedPerson','Object' %}
    Name: {{ recipient.NickName }} <br/>
    URL Encoded Key: {{ recipient.UrlEncodedKey }}

    The tricky part is to remember to use the 'Object' property to tell Lava you want the attribute as an object otherwise you'll get it's ToString value.