
Photo of Nathan La Barbera


Zebra GX420d Won't Print Landscape

I have a Zebra GX420d printer that is hooked up via USB to the computer that check-in is going to be done on. So, if I am correct, I have everything within Rock saying that I am printing from the "Client". When I go through the check-in process (using the power tool download for Windows), I can get it to print out the name tags fine. The issue is that they are not printing out "Landscape" to fit the labels. I went through every setting within my computer and made sure the printer was set to a default of "Landscape". Everything is now set to "Landscape", yet it still prints the name tags in "Portrait". 

Anyone have any issues like this? If so, have you found a fix? Any help is apperciated. 


  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Zebra printers consider the "feed direction" of the label "portrait", not "landscape." While we're not using Rock check-in yet (so I can't confirm), our current check-in system is printing to 4.00 x 2.50 labels and the driver must be set for portait orientation, even though the labels LOOK like they are "landscape" because they are wider than they are tall.

    Have you at least verfied that the labels don't print correctly if you set the orientation back to portrait? (working under the assumption that you set it to landscape before testing a first print.) Just shooting from the hip here since we're not actually printing via Rock yet.

  • Photo of Trey Hendon III


    Another thing to check is that there are two places in the Zebra printers to set defaults.  You have have to go to the Advanced Tab, and set the Printing Defaults there.  Then, go to the General Tab and verify the Preferences there.

    As with Jim I don't use Rock Check In yet, but on our current ChMS this is a similar issue we faced.