1 Small Group Attendance Reports 3 Cody Tindall posted 9 Years Ago I've "played" with it for a while now and its probably as simple as one setting that i'm missing but how do you get the small group attendance to show up in the attendance analysis page? Or maybe there is another place that this information is reported on? Thanks in advance! Cody
Cody Tindall 9 years ago Arran,I was able to link the small groups to the check-in so they show up in a listing for the attendance analysis page but it doesn't show any data for those groups. If I had to guess I would say that Rock records check-in attendance in a different place than the group attendance and the attendance analysis block doesn't know to pull from the other location.. yet!
Casey Dierking 8 years ago I know this is from 2 years ago but I'm searching from information on this right now. Is there anything like this available now?