0 Printing nametags without check-in 3 Michael Garrison posted 10 Years Ago OK, now we have groups to hold people who have registered for a class. I'm being asked if it's possible to print off nametags for everyone in that group so they can just pick up their nametag, rather than having people "check in". I see "Parse Zebra Label" as an action in the workflows, so I'm imagining I need to create a page which takes a group ID as a URL parameter...then on that page have a "Trigger Workflow" block so it triggers the workflow? I'm being asked for the Workflow Entry Page on that block...is that the trigger page or ...? Is such a thing possible with Rock and could someone sum up the steps I'd need beyond what I've outlined above? Or is there a specific page on the check-in "site" I can look at to emulate? I'm a little afraid to poke around in the preconfigured check-in site without a little guidence- that's awfully critical stuff =) Thanks