
Photo of Jackie Powers


Phone Numbers on check-in labels

I am wanting to add a phone number to a check-in label. This phone number would be that of the person who checked them in, so they can be contacted in case of an emergency. We have several grandparents and families that bring their kids' friends so the person who checks them in is not always their parent. Is this even possible?

  • Michael Garrison

    I won't speak for the Rock team (hence I'll make a comment rather than an answer), but I don't see in the database that it stores in any way WHO checked the person in (except that it logs the ID of the staff member who is logged in to Rock in order to provide access to the check-in site). So I'm going to go out on a limb and speculate that without some changes to the way the check-in works, it's not possible. Anyone want to correct me?

  • Photo of Frank Grand


    Hey Jackie!

    I do see where this could be useful.  As Michael mentioned I don't beleive this is currently posible with Rock.  I would submit it as a feature request at