
Photo of Larry Johnston


Rock RMS in other programming languages

Will Rock RMS ever be available for PHP or any other languages. It's sad in a way that it's developed in .NET because many in the Linux / Apache web world may want to use this software. It looks wonderful BTW.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    You might want to listen to the first podcast (click The Connect menu item), as the devs touch on this topic and their rationale for going with .NET. My own summation of the situation is 1) They actually went down the PHP path quite a ways before turning back to .NET. 2.) They found themselves writing all sorts of supporting code that already exists in .NET (which was a really inefficient use of development time), and SQL Server has built in geospacial data types they wanted to leverage.3.) If you want to be efficient you have to develop where your core competency lies, and for these guys it happens to be .NET. 

    I can't see how it would be possible for them to rewrite so that it runs on non-IIS web servers, and you can always use the REST API to make calls from any language you desire, while letting the core db stay as-is. No matter what platform they chose, there would always be those that are disappointed that their platform of choice wasn't the one chosen. That's my .02, anyway. 

  • Photo of Chris Go


    I was just actually going to see if this is possible to port to PHP.  From what I can see, Rock is written DEEP into the .NET stack (for good reason).  However, I do see some possibilities of maybe breaking out the front end stuff (html/css/js) and then having the server component be able to be written in a variety of languages.  

    If you like what the new kids are doing (React/Vue/SPAs), it will even be more "shareable" code and then maybe 50% of the code will be front end code and then the server stuff would be 50% of the code base that is language-specific.

    Obviously, all these takes away from developing more features from the CORE team which would not be ideal.  But it is possible :)