0 Filters on Reports 4 Ruth Lash posted 10 Months Ago New to Rock (launching in November) and still trying to wrap my brain around the Data Views/Reports. I thought for sure I saw somewhere a page that showed rows of data and had filters on the side (like shopping websites) where you could limit which data you were looking at. This is what I want to use to avoid creating hundreds of data views for every possible permutation of our children's ministry volunteers. I need to filter on campus, room, hour, and role. With up to 6 campuses, 13 rooms per campus, 3 different hours, and 5 or 6 roles per room, I have over 1,000 possibilities. I constantly get requests like "I need all the volunteers who work in the Honeybees room at all our campuses" or "I need all the volunteers who work in the Elementary classrooms at 9:00 at this particular campus." I just can't see making a separate data view for every single need they will have.