
Photo of Aiden Bailey


Create Child Through Workflow

How do I set a new profile as a child when they fill out a form? We have a "new student" form for our middle and high schoolers. However, currently it's creating them as adults but that means we can't check them in. How do you set that person as a child in the workflow?

  • Photo of Matt Stevens


    I believe as long as you require the birthday, the system will automatically assign the AgeClassification. You might also check the data automation setting for "Move Adult Children", as if its enabled, this will automatically change the profile to Adult based on the age you provide. (Tools>Data Integrity>Data Automation)

  • Photo of Aiden Bailey


    It doesn't automatically assign them as a child, so I'm trying to figure out how to assign them as a child if they fill out this form. The adult children data automation makes them an adult if they hit the age we set, however, it doesn't do the opposite.

    • Jeremy Hoff

      Hi Aiden! Indeed, Matt is correct - if you require a birthday to be part of your form, Rock will assign the individual as a "Child" classification if they are <18yo.

      Regarding Check In, if you are setting grade or age limitations in checkin, they will be filtered out.
      I hope this helps?

  • Photo of Aiden Bailey


    Oh I see, my issue was that the birthday wasn't populating on a profile so it was my workflow that was the issue, silly mistake. Thank you!