
Photo of Matt Genzy


Displaying non-Sunday dates in the Attendance Analytics page.


I'm checking the Attendance Analytics page and wondering if I can display only Wednesdays and Sundays, excluding other days. I've explored Block Settings, CMS Configurations, and asked AI Chip, but found nothing. Is adjusting the date display related to the code or an Admin Rock feature?



  • Photo of Zach Smith


    Hey Matt!

    In Attendance Analytics you can group by week, month, or year. When grouping by week, attendance will show on a weekly level and the Sunday date is used to identify particular weeks. So if someone attended on a Wednesday and Saturday on a certain week, it'll show them as having attended that week by showing a check mark under the Sunday date for that week. So think of that Sunday date as an identifier for a particular week rather than that exact Sunday date. And the Sunday date being used as the identifier for a certain week is not changeable by a Rock Admin as far as I know.

    Even though attendance is grouped together on a weekly level, you could use schedules to know you're only looking at attendance for certain days of the week if your schedules are set up for individual days of the week. For instance if you have a Saturday night service time schedule and select only it, you'll know you're looking at attendance for Saturdays only on the chart. It'll show up as attendance under the Sunday date for that week, but you'll know it's really the Saturday date that week.

    Hope that helps!

  • Photo of Matt Genzy


    Hi Zach. Thank you for the reply! The good thing is our schedules in Rock are already setup in the manner you mentioned. I appreciate the feedback in regard to the Attendance Analytics dates.


  • Photo of Zach Smith


    You're welcome! Glad to hear your schedules are set up that way so you can still use the tool to do what you're needing to.