
Photo of Bronson Witting


Check-in: Parent/Child Labels - Consistent code across a family?

I just realized today while configuring check-in (which has been great!) that each child in a family that gets checked in has their own code printed on their labels, and each gets their own parent pick-up label.  Our current system works where everyone in the same family has the same pick-up code, thereby saving on label stock and reducing the amount of tags a parent of multiple kids has to keep track of.  Is this type of configuration possible? Or should it go in the black book?  I know I'm going to get resistance from our children's teams if parents have to have different labels for each kid.  


  • Photo of David Stevens


    This has been implemented and merged with develop, although I'm not sure what release version it will appear in (2.1, 3?).  


  • Photo of Frank Grand


    My understanding is that right now each child would have a separate code.  I definitely agree with you that one code per family would suit our church better as well!  If you haven't already, please submit this idea to the core team!