
Photo of Keith Foust


Dataview - Marital status - how to change to IS NOT?


our office team is working diligently to get data into ROCK for using as our new CMS moving forward.  While we have given them a huge project, we are hoping that we can start utilizing some of the dataviews and reports to allow the Pastors to start meeting their objectives in their areas.

one of these areas is connecting people with others in their age groups and marital status.  So young people that are single all have an event together, or young married couples, etc.

while the office team has been really good about putting a family's parents as married, they have not been marking the singles as single.  Becasue...well there are thousands of recors of these ingles and we are nto really sure what the status of each is yet.

so while they go and try to find out the answer to the actual status of each individual, we ware looking for a way to run a dataview that gives us a MARITAL status that IS NOT married.

however, the default option when you select FILTER TYPE > PERSON FIELDS > MARITAL STATUS is IS.  there is no apparent option to change this to IS NOT.  is there a way around this?




  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Hi Keith-

    This is one of those things in Rock that doesn't make sense at first... until it does. ;-) Notice that "False/True" option at the top of the filter. This effectively says "show me where "Marital Status = Married" is True OR False. So when you want to do a "Is Not", you choose False instead if True ("show me people where Marital Status Is Married is False" ;-) .

    Hope that makes sense!


  • Photo of Keith Foust


    you are so right!  it did not make sense...but now it does.  THanks!  We set the filter to be FALSE and is married and it worked like a champ!