
Photo of Michael Manning


Background Check Providers

We use a public data service for doing basic background checks. In the extended attributes under security we upload a pdf file of what we find. It appears that the automatic upload prompt has disappeared and now you have to select Protect My Ministry in order to get the PDF upload prompt. Can we add to the drop down list that only includes Checkr and Protect My Ministry?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I'm not sure there's a good way around this. with v7 or v8 (can't remember) these changed to special Background Check attributes meant specifically for those providers. That said, you can easily just create another File type (which defines where a file is stored... I'd suggest Database for sensitive docs like these) and then a new Person Attribute (of type 'File') based on that file type. Put it in the Safety & Security category and it will show in that section of the Extended Attributes page. You'll also need to make sure the desired roles (that need to upload docs to this attribute) have edit rights to BOTH the new File Type and Person Attribute.

    That way you can store your BGCs in your own attribute and leave the system ones alone. 

  • Photo of Michael Manning


    Thank you Jim... that was exactly what I needed. Had to massage it just a little as I was using the system one as a guide... I found I had to make the person attribute a "File" type and it works great.

    • Jim Michael

      Great! If you can, please make the prior answer accepted so future visitors will know it's a workable solution.