
Photo of Bronson Witting


Creating Page with Group Viewer Blocks - Group Tree Not Showing

Based on the recommendation of the Rock Your Groups Guide ("Rock comes preconfigured with a general group viewer People > Group Viewer, but you can add more. Say, for instance, your church has a strong small group ministry. You may want to create a new Group Viewer page just for this ministry. You can do this by adding a new page under People (or any other page you like) and add the group viewer blocks to the page"), I've created some pages with the group viewer blocks to show only a certain group type.  Here's an example:

2014-11-05 09_54_16-Adult Small Groups _ Rock RMS.png


However, when I select an actual group, the group tree block only shows the spinning arrows.  This only happens when the ExpandedIds parameter is in the URL. Example:

2014-11-05 09_54_36-Adult Small Groups _ Rock RMS.png


I can't figure out when my configuration is wrong, or if there is a bug somewhere.  The Group tree block works just fine on the included Group Viewer page. 



  • Bronson Witting

    Hey Jeremy, nope - that group (and the other ones I've got entered so far) are all working fine on the default Group Viewer page - the group tree stays intact.

  • Photo of Rock RMS


    An issue has been opened (and completed) for this problem. #637