
Photo of Ken Roach


Scanning envelopes with non-check scanners?

Am I right in understanding that the check scanning process is designed to only use check scanners?  That these check scanners can also scan giving envelopes that have no check details, and that there are no other alternative scanning methods for using non-check scanners to scan batches of envelopes?

New Zealand has largely phased out checks.  The rest of the world will catch up one day.  :)   

Is there any method to scan groups of giving envelopes without using a check scanner?  Or do we have to look at buying a check scanner from overseas?   

It would be nice to be able to use alternative types of scanners that can scan envelopes and eftpos (electronic till receipts) into batches.

Is this on the horizon?

(The alternative is to manually enter each transaction and upload photos of the envelopes... a slow process.)

  • Photo of Trey Hendon III


    Hey Ken!  At the moment, using a check scanner (I recommend the Canon line) is the only way I'm aware of to capture check or envelope images in bulk for transactions.  The good thing is that the envelopes scan as expected and begin the Financial Batch process for you.  The down-side is that, yes, you'll have to order the scanner in.