
Photo of Carolyn Walker


Reports - View Related People not working

I have a report of our deceased members and have selected Related People: Widow(er) as the known relationship I want to view but my report doesn't return any names in that column. I've check the records of the deceased persons on my report and all have a designated Known Relationship: Widow(er). Am I doing something wrong or is related people not set to work for inactive records?

  • Photo of Debbie Thurston


    I have poked around and it would appear to me that because the record is inactive it will not work.  I can replicate what you are saying and even though I can list all the deceased persons and I know they have relationships on their record, the report with related people does not seem to work.  I tried to mark the record as active, but it removes the deceased reason so you no longer have them in the deceased data view.

  • Photo of Carolyn Walker


    Exactly. We have ministries here who have asked for deceased people within a date range, and the related people (widow/er, children, etc.) so they can minister to these people. I'm not able to provide that for them and was hoping someone would answer with a solution.