
Photo of Ken Roach


How create metrics for changes in Connection Status

Before I try to work it out... has anyone created metrics for changes in Connection Status to answer questions like

In the current year (compared to previous year)

  • How many new visitors did we have?
  • How many visitors transitioned to attendees?
  • What is our visitor/attendee conversion rate?
  • How many attendees transitioned to members?
  • What is our attendee/member transition rate?
  • How many attendees did we lose?
  • How many members did we lose?
  • What is our total gain/loss (new people added as visitor, attendee or member - those who went inactive)

What SQL did you use, or any advice?

  • Photo of Brianne Shaw


    Ken, did you ever get any sql for this, I'd love to see what you have. We would love these metrics as well.