
Photo of Chris Kiser


Installing Bootstrap 4

Is there any limitation to installing the newest version of Bootstrap on our own installation? Just curious if any future updates would negatively affect us in the future. Thanks!

  • Photo of Shawn Ross


    Chris, I'm not a developer, but here's my understanding (based on some prior fuzzy conversations of which I have no written documentation of.... ;) :

    • Bootstrap 3 is "included" with Rock (it's not an add-on, plug-in, etc.)
    • To install Bootstrap 4 you'll need to modify core Rock code. This is possible (it's open-source), but future updates to Rock will likely break if you can even get 4 working with Rock's current codebase.
    • Bootstrap 4 is not a simple update/upgrade, and replacing Bootstrap 3 with Bootstrap 4 is not a trivial undertaking
    • You could fork Rock and add Bootstrap 4 support. This is not a small undertaking, and any future Rock updates you'd have to manually try and integrate with your fork

    So, it's not impossible, but probably impractical.

    On another note, I'm curious what Bootstrap 4 has that you can't do with Rock?

  • Photo of Chris Kiser


    I don't know that I see any limitation. I've just seen some Bootstrap 4 themes I'd like to take advantage of and didn't know if it was an option to use them. Really appreciate the feedback.