
Photo of Tim Cubr


Group Badge

Hi everyone.  I've created a group badge and it displays "grey" when the person isn't in a group and displays in color (blue) when they are in a group.  What I'm trying to figure out is how to display an "L" inside the badge when the person is a Leader in a group.  Similar to the DISC badge when it shows a "circle with an R on the inside" when a DISC profile request has been sent to the individual.  Any thoughts on how to do this?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Can you provide the Lava for the badge you're already using? Or are you just using the simple "in group of type" badge? If it's the latter, you won't be able to do that as that badge has no real customization... but you could probably do it with a Lava badge. This kind of thing is also difficult to do via the QA because it doesn't allow rapid back-and-forth conversations, so you might try asking in the Rock Slack (you can join at ) You will likely get a quicker answer there.

  • Photo of Tim Cubr


    Hey Jim.  I am currently using the "in group of type" badge.  I will check the Lava route and will also look to Slack for assistance if I can't figure it out.  I appreciate your thoughts.  Thanks.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Yeah, the In Group of Type badge is a one-trick pony, and the only thing you can change is the color. Lava badges are super powerful, but the syntax can be complex if you've never done one. Here's an example of the kind of thing you can do with a Lava badge (this might be overkill for your needs, but might give you some ideas)

  • Photo of Tim Cubr


    Oh my...this is a perfect example because we were looking for something similar to this!  I REALLY appreciate this Jim...Thanks!