
Photo of Derrick Anderson


Contribution Report

Is it possible to run contribution report for a family even if there giving is not combined in the system?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    You can't get a single report of multiple people giving separately (at least not with the built-in contribution statements). But is there a reason you don't just combine the giving? It's as simple as editing the person(s) and under Advanced selecting Combine with Family.

  • Photo of Derrick Anderson


    We have some families that prefer their giving is individual per family members while others wanted them combined. We however wanted to run a report that showed a total for a family for those that were not combined.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Ah, I see. When you said "Contribution Report" I assumed you meant Contribution Statement... Sorry! There's probably a way to do what you want, if via SQL and a dynamic data block worst-case, but this kind of thing is difficult to discuss in this QA since it's not real time. I suggest you joint the Rock Slack at and ask in there.