
Photo of Abby Laguna


How do I filter People by Foreign Id in Data View?

Our church is moving to Rock and our accounting department wants to be able to search old person Ids.

Is there a particular reason that foreignId is not listed under Person Attributes in the Data View?

I also tried to use "Applies to" PersonAlias in a data view (so we can search merged foreign ids) and that gave back an error.

This is the error:

personalias error.PNG

Is there a better way to do this? All I can think of is to use a sql query or REST "api/People?$filter=ForeignId eq ####"

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    There are a couple of fields that are marked to not show up in reporting. The ForeignId is one of them. I'm honestly not sure why - there might be a technological reason or it perhaps it was just to reduce confusion to the end-user since those are kind of "internal use" fields.

    While not a great solution, one other method I could think of would be a report of _all_ people and add a custom Lava report column to display the ForeignId. Then you could export to Excel and search that way. Depending on your use case that might not be a helpful method either.

    If you are just looking for a way to be able to find people by their ForeignId for migration purposes, you might be able to come up with a Dynamic Data block and SQL query that allows the user to enter a number and have it search for and display people based on the number entered.

  • Photo of Kye "K" Chung


    We need this on a person's profile to be able to look up their ForeignId (their old ID) so that we could go to the old database profile link. I just made a Lava Badge:

    {% if Person.ForeignKey == '' %} CCB Profile {% endif %}
  • Photo of Ed Parks


    I tried various lava columns queries - to no avail. I tried Kye's "==";

    {% if Person.ForeignId > 0 %}
        value is {{ Person.ForeignId }}!
    {% else %}
        No Foreign Id.
    {% endif %}

    and more -  no responses for ForeignId