
Photo of Steve Harvey


The Church App by Subsplash

Does anyone have any information on Rock RMS integration with the Church App by Subsplash? I saw a video from a year mentioning there were plans to integrate- I also put a feeler out to Subsplash, but I'm wondering if anyone here is utilizing it? How is it working? Would you recommend it? Or is it not even out yet? Is there a better alternative to mobile applications for our church? Thanks.

  • Photo of Austin Spooner


    We are a Subsplash customer. We were told a year ago when we signed up that an integration was almost done. As of now we still have not seen or been able to get any info from them. 

  • Photo of Steve Harvey


    Interesting- their keynote from last year did show a little more in the way of integration with CCB but they did mention Rock was on the roadmap. I'm going to contact them and get more info. I'm wondering if we had any other people interested in this? Perhaps enough interest will encourage them to speed up development.

  • Photo of Tim Lemons


    I am getting ready to start building out some pages on Rock that I plan to use with our subsplash app. But no I haven’t seen any integrations yet and I am definitely interested. 

    Its possible they they may have been waiting for the new interactions features in v7.  I’m super interested in tracking attendance through someone connecting to our WiFi. 

  • Photo of Jennifer Keylon


    Did you guys find out anything about Subsplash? We are going to move to them for giving and The Church App. It would be nice to know if the calendar/event registration and finance will integrate with Rock.


  • Photo of Andrew Metz


    Any updates on this? We're looking into App solutions and they seem to be the only easy one  but would love to hear how Rock integrations have been going!

  • Photo of Jennifer Keylon


    We actually started using SubSplash in March and we love it! We have been part of the beta testing for financial integration and like it much more than our previous online vendor. All online giving links directly to any Rock Account you choose, and the batches automatically are pulled in and integrate. As far as the calendar, etc, goes I do know they are working on it. In the meantime, we use their calendar and include event registration buttons on our events. The buttons connect directly with our Rock registrations and people can sign up and pay for things through the app. The last time I spoke with Subsplash (at the Rock RMS conference), they were still working on full calendar/event/profile integration.