
Photo of Davey Blackburn


Runtime Error/Server Error in '/' Application

I just updated Rock with the new Update. From that moment, when I try to visit the url we have designated for our database login ( I get a Runtime error. Not sure why the update would cause this but is anyone else having this issue? Is it a Rock server thing or is it an issue with our database hosting service? I've attached a pic of the runtime error I receive:


Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 10.11.55 AM.png

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I have not seen this error after intalling .14, but from your screen shot above it's impossible to tell what's happening since the actual error is being supressed. Either try accessing the page from a browser ON the server (which should reveal the real error) or modify web.config per the instructions so that you can see such errors on remote machines.

  • Photo of Davey Blackburn


    Hey Jim, thank you for the prompt response. Ok, I just got it to reveal what the error is. The title of the error page says: "Invalid object name 'dbo.spFinance_ContributionStatementQuery'." . . . It's a long explanation and I don't even know where to begin. Would you be able to visit and see what my problem is? Thanks!

  • Photo of Mike Peterson


    This could be the same issue as  If so, you can fix it by running the SQL script in

  • Photo of Steve Hughes


    Hey guys,

    FYI Just posted my basic working solution over in the troubleshooting section:

    And thanks heaps Mike, you got me 95% of the way with this.  It's great learning new things!