
Photo of Brandon Gamache


Attendance Analysis

Is anyone able to get attendance analysis to work? I have checked in to the test group but have not seen it appear in Attendance Analysis. I have also imported some of our F1 attendance over into Rock and have not see those appear either. I have "Check-in Test Area > Test Group" checked, Date range is current year, Graph By Total, Group By Week, Main Campus checked. Click Apply and I'm still getting No Data Found, even though I see the attendance record in the database table. Same thing happens when I switch to a different Group Type and check all the groups and areas under that Group Type. 

Am I missing something? A setting?

I checked myself into a couple test groups again and looked at /checkinmanager and see the dates and attendance history when I click on my record. However, when I go back to attendance analysis I am still not seeing it.

  • Photo of Mike Peterson


    We found at least one issue that could be causing Attendance to not show up.  If the person was added thru Edit Family | Add Person, any attendance for that person might fail to get recorded.  That will be fixed in the next update.

    There was another issue that would cause the chart to not show in cases where there was only one attendance summary record.

    This will get fixed in the next update