
Photo of Dan Abbuhl


Is it possible to add a person to multiple placement groups

I've set up a main connection group called Children and under children, I have several possible areas to place a person:





   Royal Rangers

   Mpact Club


If a person goes to the serve page and clicks on the children area to submit a request to help in the children's ministry, I can then look at the connection request and place them in 1 of the placement group.  All the areas are available but let's say that the person wants to help in multiple areas, say JBQ and Preschool.  I can only choose one placement group to put them in.  Is there a way to choose all areas to add them into multiple areas within the children's ministry without going out to the group viewer and manually adding them?

Would I have to create a workflow for this that is triggered on this are if there are multiple service areas?

I could see this in use in other areas of the church such as the Music ministry if a person wanted to be on the sound team and help the lighting area.

Give me your thoughts on this.

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Dan the easiest way is when you want someone added to a bunch or groups is doing so manually. Any other way would require a fancy wf or a code change.