
Photo of Aaron Hackett


Giving Kiosk Swipe

Can the kiosk be configured to manually enter a credit card? I see in the TransactionEntryKiosk block that it is set to detect swipe. Does this mean it will only work with a magnetic reader?
  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    Aaron, I haven't tried to use the giving kiosk function yet, so I don't know the answer to your question per se. But since the functionality you're asking for is available through just the "Give" page on the public website, could you just configure your kiosk to display that webpage to enable giving?

    • Aaron Hackett

      Well, I got a Magtek swiper... But it doesn't seem to read it. The screen says "swipe", and I swipe but nothing happens. I like the idea of swiping, it's much more intrusive and easy for people. So if it's possible to get this to work that'd be great.

  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff


    @Aaron - which model reader did you purchase?  We're using the giving kiosk feature with the swipe, and it's working dandy.  According to an invoice, we're using the "Magtek Sureswipe Dual Head MST=R".

    @Michael - the swipe feature is really pretty slick... while we could enable the regular give page and have CC info keyed, the swipe is fast and simple. ;-)

    I hope that helps!

    • Michael Garrison

      Absolutely. I just read the question as wanting to enable manual entry of credit cards, so I thought that's what he wanted :)

  • Photo of Michael Wurz


    @Jeremy do you know what the setting are for the magtek reader? Trying to get this set up and having an issue with the swipe as well.

  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff


    Hi Michael - the reader we're using are basically a keyboard wedge - there aren't any settings per se.  If you open Notepad and swipe a credit card, drivers license, or anything with a magnetic stripe, do you see text appear?  If so, it's working as-is and we'll need to turn our troubleshooting elsewhere. . . .