
Photo of Don Smallman


Calendar Event Details page

Hi, is there a way to add the Contacts name to the Event Details page on the Calendar? Right now, it only shows the Contacts email address.



  • Photo of Michael Garrison



    By default if you go into the block settings, it's using a stock Lava routine to format the output. You can either copy the contents of that file into the block settings directly and add the field you're looking for, or edit the lava file itself to include the name lookup. But if you edit the lava file itself, be aware your changes may be undone when you update Rock.

    Don good catch, that's a bug. I'll file a report

    If you want to fix it, you can edit the /Assets/Lava/CalendarItem.lava file in your assigned theme directory on the web server, and replace




    Let me know if you'd prefer that I post a full working lava routine you can paste right into the block settings so you don't have to wait for a fix or worry about Rock undoing your fix with updates in the meantime.