
Photo of Lucky Murinda


Demo for my church

I would like to create a demo for my church online that is customized, for how long can i keep the data in the system?

  • Photo of Michael Garrison



    The demo site is refreshed every night, so if that's what you're wanting to customize, the answer is "less than a day". And keep in mind that others will be in there during that day, testing and breaking things. It's not a great environment for demonstrating custom dev to your church.

    I would recommend you install Rock on a local server if you can, knowing that you'll wipe out out and start over when you're done. Or spend a few bucks to run rock in azure in a lightly-resourced azure webapp for a few days. (if your church is a non-profit you can also qualify for a yearly $5000 azure grant which would effectively make your demo (and production) installation of Rock free.