1 How import families and individuals? 7 Ken Roach posted 10 Years Ago I am moving to RockRMS from another ChMS. I have tables of family and individual data. There are some unique fields that we set up in the other system. Will I be able to import my data into RockRMS? I don't really want to have to re-enter all my data. Does this have to be done through the backend using SQL tools? I can't see any mention of this in the docs. Thanks.
Nick Airdo 10 years ago Right Derek. The SampleData block actually uses an XML file (http://storage.rockrms.com/sampledata/sampledata.xml) for the data import -- so it would not be too hard to make a copy of that block which allows you to set it manually (or via Block setting) to use your own local XML file.
Ken Roach 9 years ago You do know that a CSV import utility has been developed? Head over to https://github.com/NewSpring/Excavator/wiki/3.-CSV-Import for full instructions.