
Photo of Michael Degnan


Physical Printed Roles


Has anyone had experience with printing their roles for Attendance? We come from a system that printed out roles for each class monthly and want to keep the same functionality in Rock. We have a team after Sunday that then takes those sheets and posts attendance in the system. 


  • Photo of Michael Garrison



    Can you give an example of what you mean by roles? It sounds like perhaps you want to print out a list of your classes, which you can do with a group type data view and an associated report- and you even have the option of using a merge template to format it as you'd wish.

    Or, if you've already created groups with the attendees in your classes, you can use a merge template from group viewer.

    If these aren't what you're looking for, let us know and we'll see what we can point you to.

    Welcome to Rock!

  • Photo of Michael Degnan


    Here is an example of what we used to use. 


    This ideally would be generated for multiple classes at the same time. 


  • Photo of Michael Degnan


    Anyone have any great new ideas? Thanks for all your help!

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    Michael, I didn't see notification of your response, sorry!

    I recommend you take a look at - this gives a similar report to yours, but for an entire area, rather than a class. I think that with some tweaking it could probably output something more like what you're looking for.

    Let me know what you think of that as a starting point, and feel free to ping me on Slack ( if you'd like a more realtime discussion

    • Michael Garrison

      Although, on second look, I think the checkboxes were a red herring for me. You just want blank checkboxes printed out, don't you, to be printed out ahead of time, rather than reporting after the fact? I think you could possibly do that with a merge template like I'd recommended above, though I'm not sure right off how to automatically fill in the dates...