
Photo of Eddie Holeman


Connection opportunity list on website without search option

I have placed the Connection Opportunity Search block on a public website page, but would like to not show the "Search" option.  In other words, I have a Connection Type with only 3 opportunities, so no need for a search.  I just want the opportunities listed on the page with the More Info options.  I have looked for a different block to use, but don't see an appropriate one.  I have also looked at the lava file included by default in this block, but don't see clearly how to remove the Search option.  Has someone done this with this or another block?  Thanks.

  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff


    Hey Eddie,

    Here's one way to hide the Search goodies:

    Edit the Block Properties and hide the various options as configurable: Display Attribute = No; Display Campus = No, etc.  Then, under Advanced Settings insert the following into the Pre-HTML block:

    <STYLE TYPE-"type/css">.btn-primary {
    display: none;

    ..and insert the following into the Post-HTML block (which will undo the CSS change in the Pre-HTML above):

    <STYLE TYPE-"type/css">
    .btn-primary {
    color: #fff;
    background-color: #428bca;
    border-color: #357ebd

    The above will hide the "SEARCH" button.

    I hope that helps,