
Photo of Henrik Korslind


Any way to help people input their own information?


I've search around and tried to figure out the best way (if possible) that we could add a feature where visitors or members (for instance) could get a form and input their information (address, phone, etc) on their own. Is that possible? Like Photo request but with the feature to also add basic info.

// Henrik

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Rock's account creation function does this already. When you click the "new registration" button on the login screen you get asked for basic demographic information. Once the person has a "login" they can then use the /MyAccount page to add family members, update info, etc. 

    Is this what you mean by adding their own information?

  • Photo of Henrik Korslind


    Hi Jim!

    What I would like to do is the following. I would like to do ask our churchmembers to visit a webpage and update the information we have. Lets say they have chnaged phone number or address. So what I guess I want to send a webpage link where usdr information can be viewed and updated.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    That's exactly what the /MyAccount page does... this is a page on the default "Stark" Rock public website that users are intended to visit. It's behind authentication (meaning, users have to log in to see it) because Rock needs to know "who you are" in order to let you update your information.

    • Henrik Korslind

      Thanks for your reply!

      A quick follow up on your reply. Is there any field like {{ Person.XXXXXYYYY}} that I could add in mail templates to help people login to their /MyAccount page.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Henrik- Yes, this is possible. What you need to do is construct a URL with a "person token", which is a special string that logs the person in. While you're likely not looking for this particular solution, this recipe on emailing contribution statements shows you how to construct such a link in an email template.