
Photo of Darryl Williams


Page and Block Profiles - Where do I find them?

Please forgive the total newb question, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere.  I keep seeing references to being able to edit the Block Properties for things such as the Family Entry Block or the People Directory Block.  I also see references to editing the Page Properties to edit the Welcome Message or hide the Org Chart.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any way to access either.  I've tried Firefox and Chrome and still don't see any "gears" on my screen.  I'm sure it's super simple, but at this point, I'm totally at a loss as to how to do this!  Thanks!

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    Hey Darryl,

    Hover your pointer at the bottom of the browser window while you are logged in as an administrator, and you'll see the admin bar pop up. From there you can get to block settings, page zones, page properties, etc.


  • Photo of Darryl Williams


    Thanks Michael!!