
Photo of Rainelle Ellerbe


Uploading Files to Person Profile

Is it possible to upload member's forms or application to their profile like the background check file?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Absolutely. You just need to create a new Person Attribute of type File (Admin | General | Person Attributes). You probably also want to  (prior to creating the attribute) create a File Type specifically for your attribute/document type... this will let you control where the files are stored (file system or database) vs. just choosing the general file type. You will also want to assign the new attribute to an existing Attribute Category in order to expose it on the Person Details page, or create a new category just for documents and add that category to the person profile page.

    • Jim Michael

      I forgot to add that there's also a cool Lava2PDF workflow action for purchase in the Rock Shop that lets you create a PDF on-the-fly from data entered into a Workflow form, then store that in an attribute on the person's profile.