
Photo of Jennifer Keylon


Volunteer Scheduling

I read some questions about this but they were from 8 months ago.

What can be used (besides PCO) for volunteer scheduling? Is that coming out through Rock anytime soon? We have used Church Community Builder, where we could do scheduling through groups. Is that a feature that can be used in Rock?

If it is not available through Rock, what do some of you guys use to schedule volunteers (besides PCO)?

Thank you!


  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Rock doesn't have simple Volunteer Scheduling and it's not (as far as I know) on the v7 road map. I'm also not aware of a way to leverage groups in Rock to do scheduling :-( It's conceivable that a crazy complex Workflow process could be constructed to do this, but it would be... crazy complex.

    I'm not familiar with how other churches do it, but we're a church of 7500 and most of our serving team scheduling is still a manual process where each dept schedules their people for a weekend via email and the person responds if they can't do it or whatever. Not great, but we haven't found anything better thus far (we use PCO for service scheduling, but it's way too complex for volunteer scheduling in our trials). If you haven't already, make sure you request this feature at Features often get done when there is enough demand for them.

    Finally, if it's something you REALLY need, you can always pay for the development of the feature, or go in with several other churches to make it more feasible. We've actually done this with various features we needed in Rock that are now part of core for everyone to take advantage of... kind of a way of giving back to the community. 

  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff


    As of version 9, RockRMS now has volunteer scheduling.  See for details. ;-)