
Photo of Daniel Barr


Verification Email not Sent

I am in the process of setting up Rock, and had one of my Staff create an account which automatically associated him with his imported user.  It says that it sent a verification email but he has not received it.

I realized that there was an email issue, so I got that fixed.  However, looking at the communication log, it doesn't even show an email was ever sent to him at all, so there is nothing to resend.

Is there a way to force an email verification email to be sent (and any idea on why it never tried to send it?)

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I don't believe these types of system emails show up in the sent communications log, and I'm not aware of any way to get them to resend. I'm pretty sure it tried to send it, but due to your misconfig it didn't go anywhere.

  • Photo of Daniel Barr


    Might be something that might need a "resend email" link on the page.  Or else people are going to get stuck not being able to confirm their email sometimes.