
Photo of Mark Quisquirin


Internal Website - Redirect Non-Admin User to Dashboard Page by Default


Is it possible that when staff login the internal website they would be redirected to their dashboard page rather than the regular home/intranet page? 


Best Regards,

  • Photo of Michael Garrison



    If you don't want anyone to get to the internal homepage, you can add a redirect block to the page- admins will see a link to the page they should be redirected to (so you can come back later and remove the block) while other users will go straight to the page you designate.

    I believe you can even use view security to direct different people or groups to different pages, with multiple redirect blocks (only letting them see the block that directs then to THEIR designated page)

    But better than these options, if the dashboard page is something you've created, I would recommend that you put your "dashboard" blocks on the internal home page itself, effectively making that page your dashboard instead.

    Let me know if you have questions about these options, and welcome to Rock!

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Hey mark,

    anything is possible would suggest not to just incase. I made a link in the header to the admin panel that only shows to people that have the staff worker access. 

    Or you will have to create a script to run only once and have to do some fancy work that might not be worth the squeeze. 

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Sorry did this on my phone so excuse the menu and odd screen shot.  Here is logged out:


    Here is after someone logs in with staff or above credentials:


    If you interested I can help you add an HTML block to the login block.  There are better ways to do it but this works for our church so i can easily change the color to blue.

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    @gladson: I make an HTML block with a hyperlink in it and then make it only visible to a person with the staff security role. I put it just below the login menu block. 

  • Photo of Mark Quisquirin


    I think I found the solution, from the CMS Configuration > Sites > Rock RMS > Edit > Changed the Default page to "My Dashboard". 

    Now when staff logs in to the internal website, the homepage is their dashboard. =)

  • Photo of Gladson Jacob


    As Michael Garrison said, Multiple Redirect Blocks + Security is the answer. I just tried it out.

    @Mike Roth, Could you please clarify, what do you mean add a link to the header to the admin panel?

  • Photo of Gladson Jacob


    Thank you, Mike Roth. Mark found her answer.

    However, your answer was a solution for me. It worked, just as per your screenshot. However, I was looking, how to add it as a menu under "Hello <name>" dropdown. 

    When I added it as a Page in "Logged In Page List" inside the Login Status Block, I have to do it for each Menu. Was thinking of a simpler solution to add a link to take the Staff Users from External Site to the Internal Site.