
Photo of Gladson Jacob


Email ID as Login and Data Selects

Hi Experts,

2 Questions:

  1. What is Data Selects that are found under Admin Tools -> System Settings?
    • Couldn't find any documentation on it.
    • Only options are to Activate / Deactivate
  2. We want to use the email ID itself as the username. Is there any way, we can customize the UserID to be the Email ID itself, during Group Sync Login creation?
  • Photo of Chris Rea


    So Data Selects are the options you have to choose specific pieces of information you want on a report.

    Group syncs are covered in this second link, but I'm pretty sure you can't (without some custom c#) change the naming convention for the accounts being made.

    But as always, everything is possible with C#. I hope this helps!