
Photo of Daniel Barr


Installation on Azure (which images/sizes to pick)

I see the requirements listed on the pages that talk about using Azure...and I'm just wondering how accurate they are?  Just seems to me that needing two servers, one with 2tb of space and one with 4tb of space for just 10000 records is a lot of overkill?

Getting that much space along with the suggested ram/etc on Azure seems to go way over the 5K per year.  How do most people do this (we can run off one server right now most likely as we only average about 100 per week in attendance).  Just trying to figure out the best way to manage the 5K per year that we have since our budget isn't going to cover much more than that right now.

I'm looking at the SSD setups, is the option to just move things back to the HDD options instead?

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    We have 450 weekly and the size on the wwwroot folder is only 250 MB with graphics. Yours will probably be close to that. 

    For sql I'm at 100mb just FYI. 

    For my my F2 setup I have 130gb c drive and only 7gb d drive and run just fine. The 2tb info is if you had a server on your church property and is a "bit" on the safe  side. ;-)

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Luckily there is a perfect guide to get you started. Start with the Azure Hosting guide to get you started: 

    Then you will need to finish up with reading the internal hosting guide here:

    the only thing I changed from the above setup for my home church is the VM size/type from an A2 to F2.  Lightning quick and I still stay way under the 5k a year.  

    Good Luck and enjoy some light reading. If you have more questions post them here or joking us on slack @

  • Photo of Daniel Barr


    I've read those, and the one thing I'm still sticking on is the storage requirements.  I'd like to use SSD instead of HDD...but the storage requirements listed would make that prohibitively expensive.  If anyone has any data on how much storage is actually used for a small organization (100 average attendance) that would be useful.

    I got things setup on the A2 series with a separate database server on S2 and things are running a little slow, so I might redo it with the F2 series as you mentioned

  • Photo of Daniel Barr


    Thanks.I'm setup now with the F2 and an S3 Database, nothing on those instances mentioned anything about drive size, so I'm assuming they are just elastic disks that will provide what I need (though I'm having trouble finding a price point for disk that's my one concern there since you mentioned a 130gb C drive...not sure what that type size SSD is going to run for this instance).

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Once you get in the vm you can check the drive sizes. 

    Ma's for the s3 that might be way more than what you need. Anyone else have experience on what DTU size they will need?

  • Photo of Daniel Barr


    yeah, it's probably more than we need, but it fits within the 5K per year so figured I'd give it a shot and see how it goes.  Might do a test, run s3 for 2 weeks and s2 for 2 weeks and see if there is a much difference

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Let us know your thoughts. Also you might want to save room for a stage environment if you like to tinker with stuff and not have to worry.