
Photo of Mark Quisquirin


Same Family Name but different Family

Hi Guys,

How do you deal with the same family name, but totally the same family? 


(1) Family1 - 2 members; Husband on this family is a member of (2) Family.

(2) Family1 - 3 members; Parents of the male of (1) Family.


  • Photo of Jim Michael


    There are two ways you can handle multi-family situations: 

    1. Rock lets a person belong to multiple families (even more than two, if that somehow makes sense for some reason). You just add the "existing person" to the second family and and UNcheck "delete from existing family" and now they are in both their original family and the new one.

    2. Use the Known Relationships function to create links (relationships) to other people in the database. This is most often used when you want to identify the child/parent relationship between adults or granchild/grandparents, for example... Rock ships with the most common relationship types (parent/child, grandparent/grandchild, etc) but you can also add your own as needed.

    Is that what you were wanting to know, or am I misunderstanding your question?

  • Photo of Mark Quisquirin


    That is exactly what I am after Jim. Thanks for answering my question. :)