
Photo of Steve Fisher


Check In - Warning Sorry, no one in your family is eligible to check-in at this location.

Hi Guys - Im a newby at Rock .. And Ive been trying to set up Check-in for our Kids Ministry ...

But when we test it - we get this warning ... Warning Sorry, no one in your family is eligible to check-in at this location

Ive set up the schedules so they are active. I've set the locations. im not sure where to go from here .. 

I presume someone has had this issue and I'm sure there is an easy solution but Im just not seeing it. 

If anyone has some ideas please let me know :) 


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  • Photo of Jim Michael


    When you go to Admin | Check-In | Check-In Configuration | Weekly Service Check-In Area and select the Schedule button on the right, you should see a grid of your schedule times and locations. Re the proper time/locations combinations checked? Also, are your kiosk devices (Admin | Check-In | Devices) set for a correctly location (ie campus?)

  • Photo of Wayne Johnson


    I also have this issue.  My check-in area schedule grid is checked, and my kiosk is set to the right campus.  The check-in process is proceeding past the schedule/location step, and is allowing me to choose a family, then individual.  But when I pick an individual. I receive the same message as Steve above.

  • Photo of Colleen MacLaren


    We're having the same problem! As far as we can tell, we've set up the locations, times, and schedule grid is checked, but we're still getting the "Sorry, no one in your family is eligible to check-in at this location" message when we click on a family to check them in. Ideas?

    (We have our regular scheduled check-in times, but also a "Test" check in time that we hoped would allow us to check in at any time for testing purposes.)