
Photo of Aaron Hackett


What Donations Gateway Do You Prefer

Hey friends, 

our church is looking to move from easy tithe to something that will work better for us. We are looking for two things in particular. 

1. Rock integration 

2. Quicker funds transfer. 

Sometimes our funds are held for 5-7 days before they are available. we are looking to make that significantly less. 

I love how rock / payflow pro keeps the user on the rock site, and allows the user to view their records and history.  I also love the integration with registration payments.  

So a question for you. 

Have you used payflow pro. 

How do you like it

are you using something else, if so... why. 

Thanks for your help. 

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    We've been using payflow pro for 5+ years and now with Rock for about 4mo. Nothing bad to say about it, has given us very little trouble, but if I were starting over and didn't have tons of recurring giving in payflow I'd go with the NMI gateway and transnational as the processor. NMI is unique in that the credit card data never "touches" your Rock server at all, making PCI compliance much less of a hassle. CC data does touch the server with payflow (even though card data isn't stored) thus making PCI more stringent. 

    The other major benefit of NMI/Transnational is that they offer cost+$0 for transactions, meaning you will save tons in fees vs payflow/PayPal. 

    • Aaron Hackett

      Thank you very much.

      One question... what would it take to get NMI/Transnational to integrate like Payflow?

      I'm learning the ropes with rock, but definitely not the plugin developer guy.

    • Jim Michael

      NMI is a gateway already built into Rock (as of version 5) and functions in a similar way to Payflow, but uses different "redirect" technology so that while it looks like you're still on the church's site (from the user's perspective), the card data itself is never actually touching the Rock server (whereas with Payflow, a Rock form takes the card info and sends it on to the processor, thus necessitating a higher level of PCI compliance.)

  • Photo of Aaron Hackett


    That helps a lot.  I found the NMI info inside the rock manual.  

    Thank you.