0 Print bank deposit slip? 5 Bruce Fraser posted 7 Years Ago Hi everyone,We're unhappy with our present ChMS [which I shall refrain from naming], and are looking around at alternatives.We're looking at pretty basic operations: directory of church people, contributions, group lists.One software used by a church I was part of a few years ago used an excellent ChMS program which sadly has ceased operation (the one-person programmer retired). It was clearly designed in consultation with people who did the hands-on day to day work in a church office. For instance, when recording contributions for the Sunday service, it automatically produced a bank deposit slip, with all the cheques and cash entered in their appropriate sections, everything added up correctly. It was a great time-saver for the volunteers counting the offering. Ever since then, I've used that as reference point for judging a program's ease of use.QUESTION: Does RockRMS print out bank deposit slips, based on the day's offering?
DJ Grick 7 years ago Yeah Lava is a little tricky at first but they have great docs (http://www.rockrms.com/lava) and in the slack community (http://www.rockrms.com/slack) people often help one another out. I am not a programmer but have been able to figure most things I try with a little play. :-)