
Photo of Simon C


Is this a bug or is it just my installation?

I'm not sure if I've stumbled onto a bug in Rock RMS or if it's just my server.

I have Rock RMS installed in /RockRMS.

I open the Data Views page via the left sidebar:

I now open a specific Data View from that page, but the URL appends /RockRMS/ twice:

Removing the second /RockRMS/ works, but it's a manual process each time.

This isn't limited to the Data View page. It appears to happen everywhere. I don't know if it's specific to my installation or if it's a bug in the code, but I thought I'd mention it.

  • Photo of Jay Greentree


    Rock isn't intended to be installed in a subfolder that way. It can however be run in a subdomain i.e.

  • Photo of Simon C


    That's a shame. Other than this subfolder problem, it seems to work without any glitches. I can't say for certain though as I've only been using it for around a day :)