
Photo of Richelle Onda


Automatically send email to the Ministry leader or small group leader

Hi Team,

I am just wondering if there is a way to automatically send email to the leaders of either the connection opportunity or small group that a prospect is wanting to be involved into?

As I see it, when I join a small group or signs up for a connection, I can only check it from the website.

Thank you. :)

  • Photo of Jay Greentree


    This can be done using workflows.

    2016-09-14 09_48_54-.png

  • Photo of Arran France


    I'm going to outline the general procedure for how to do this when someone is registered for a group. Connections are easier, you just replace the block setting for a setting exposed in the Connection Type. I hope this is helpful to you.

    Workflows are definitely the way to go. You'll want to read up on them here. Once you've set up your workflow you'll want to connect your workflow so that it fires every time the block registers a group member to do this, go into your group finder block settings and select your new workflow.

    The key in the workflow is to use the 'Set Attribute from Entity' action to capture the GroupMember. This will allow you to access their details and the group that they're being registered to so you can send an email out to the group's leaders. To do all this you'll also need to be reasonably familiar with Lava to do this.

    Let me know if you need any more guidance.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    If all you're needing is to notify a group leader that someone just joined, another option is the GroupLeaderPendingNotifications job, which runs on a schedule and sends the group leader a list of pending individuals in their group(s).
  • Photo of Richelle Onda


    Dear All, I am not an IT expert and does not know anything about LAVA, so I would appreciate if this can be detailed pls. Blessings!

  • Photo of Dave Schuster


    Like Jim said earlier, the GroupLeaderPendingNotifications job is probably the easiest way. You're probably going to want to use a little HTML and LAVA to make this work, but it's really basic and all of these blocks out of the box have enough to get you started.  You don't need to be an IT expert, but a little experience helps.

    On your group registration block's settings, you need to set the new group member's connection status to pending.

    Then, you need to add a new Job to run.  Below is a screenshot of one we have set up for testing.  Follow the breadcrumbs to get to the correct page.

    In reality, you would probably want this to run once a day, not every minute.  Just follow the link the Cron Expression tooltip to come up with the correct syntax for yours.

    If you want to see an active site where this is set up, go to  To see how they have something set up, click on the block configuration icon in the admin toolbar.  /page/4319 is where they have the registration block, but you can get to that by clicking any of the registration icons for the groups.

    Post back here with specific questions when they arise and I'm sure everyone will do their best to help you through.

  • Photo of Richelle Onda


    Dear All,

    I made a job and followed the steps above and it seems that it is working fine. only that, the email received do not contain any phone numbers... it only shows the name and the email addresses. I did not change the system email in Rock, can someone tells me what is wrong. I am pasting below the email used.

    {{ 'Global' | Attribute:'EmailHeader' }} {{ Person.NickName }},
    We wanted to make you aware of additional individuals who have taken the next step to connect with group. The individuals' names and contact information can be found below. Our goal is to contact new members within 24-48 hours of receiving this e-mail.
    {% for pendingIndividual in PendingIndividuals %} {% endfor %}

    {{ pendingIndividual.FullName }}
    {% assign mobilePhone = pendingIndividual.PhoneNumbers | Where:'NumberTypeValueId', 136 | Select:'NumberFormatted' %} {% assign homePhone = pendingIndividual.PhoneNumbers | Where:'NumberTypeValueId', 13 | Select:'NumberFormatted' %} {% assign homeAddress = pendingIndividual | Address:'Home' %} {% if mobilePhone != empty %} Mobile Phone: {{ mobilePhone }}
    {% endif %} {% if homePhone != empty %} Home Phone: {{ homePhone }}
    {% endif %} {% if pendingIndividual.Email != empty %} {{ pendingIndividual.Email }}
    {% endif %} {% if homeAddress != empty %} Home Address
    {{ homeAddress }} {% endif %}

    Once you have connected with these individuals, please mark them as active.
    Thank you for your on-going commitment to {{ 'Global' | Attribute:'OrganizationName' }}.
    {{ 'Global' | Attribute:'EmailFooter' }}